Monday, June 1, 2009

Can You Say GRAND SLAM?!?!

We are the proud parents of a OUT of the park Grand Slam Hitter!!! Jake has been on the edge of hitting it out for a little while now. It just so happens that the bases were loaded when it went over the fist time!!! It was so fun to watch all his team run out to greet him at home plate!! They were jumping all over him and the crowd was going wild!!! I think it's every little boys dream to hit a Grand Slam. Not to mention every dad's dream to see their son hit one. Oscar had a smile on his face for 3 days!!!

Jake we are all so proud of you!!!

To celebrate such a awesome event Jake got to pick a restaurant of his choice for dinner. He chose Rudy's. We enjoyed celebrating his success with him. Well most of us did. Kenzie slept all through dinner.

1 comment:

Poor Rich Family said...

Congrats Jake! I wish we could have seen it! Rich would have been so proud!