Monday, June 1, 2009

Sneaky Girl

Can you see how proud Miss Kenzie is of herself?

I was getting ready to paint my toe nails when I remembered I had forgotten to send an email out. Since Kenzie was happy playing in the tub I decided I better send it real quick and left the bathroom. Yes. The nail polish and my daughter were left alone in the bathroom. I thought it would be okay. Kenzie was "IN" the tub.
Three minutes after I left the room I looked up from my computer only to find. A very proud 2 almost 3 year old little girl standing next to me. She was so excited to show me what she had done. I was shocked. She said "Look mommy"! I replied "wow, honey"...."good job". Then she said "why did you make that face"? I told her "it's just because you surprised me". But really it was a.... Oh my freaking goodness is it in the carpet face!!!!!!! I took off straight to the bathroom to see the damage. I was so relieved to see there was only a few drops on the carpet. I was picturing a murder seen!! Seriously Bright Red Nail Polish!!!

Look what a great job she did!!!!!! Despite a little on the carpet, her chin, forearm & a drop on the back of her leg. She did a pretty darn good job! Gotta love my Girly Girl!!


Unknown said...

LOL! I feel your fear/pain/pride! Katie and I've had moments like that...

Kenzie should be very proud; she truly did an excellent job! I love the sassy red on her; it suits her. :-)

parkithere said...

Hi Mendie,
Oh my stars...your blog is so fabulous...what treasures...thanks for sharing all the fun...

Poor Rich Family said...

Oh MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! She is so stinkin' cute. Miss your cute kiddos like crazy!