Can you see how proud Miss Kenzie is of herself?
I was getting ready to paint my toe nails when I remembered I had forgotten to send an email out. Since Kenzie was happy playing in the tub I decided I better send it real quick and left the bathroom. Yes. The nail polish and my daughter were left alone in the bathroom. I thought it would be okay. Kenzie was "IN" the tub.
Three minutes after I left the room I looked up from my computer only to find. A very proud 2 almost 3 year old little girl standing next to me. She was so excited to show me what she had done. I was shocked. She said "Look mommy"! I replied "wow, honey"...."good job". Then she said "why did you make that face"? I told her "it's just because you surprised me". But really it was a.... Oh my freaking goodness is it in the carpet face!!!!!!! I took off straight to the bathroom to see the damage. I was so relieved to see there was only a few drops on the carpet. I was picturing a murder seen!! Seriously Bright Red Nail Polish!!!
Look what a great job she did!!!!!! Despite a little on the carpet, her chin, forearm & a drop on the back of her leg. She did a pretty darn good job! Gotta love my Girly Girl!!
LOL! I feel your fear/pain/pride! Katie and I've had moments like that...
Kenzie should be very proud; she truly did an excellent job! I love the sassy red on her; it suits her. :-)
Hi Mendie,
Oh my stars...your blog is so fabulous...what treasures...thanks for sharing all the fun...
Oh MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! She is so stinkin' cute. Miss your cute kiddos like crazy!
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