Friday, May 29, 2009

What did I do to my daughter!!!!!

Oh My Goodness!!! I have never laughed so hard in my life!!! It all started with an "idea". I thought to myself "Why don't I put pink sponge curlers in Kenzie's hair. I bet she would look so cute with some pretty curls". So.... I went down to Target spent $10 on a bag of curlers. I was so excited!! When I got home I sat Kenzie's little booty in front of the TV and began to work my magic. The poor thing was so good. She was a little fussy about sleeping in the curlers, but I told her that her hair was going to look beautiful in the morning. That seemed to please her.
The next morning I woke up early. I couldn't wait to see what her hair looked like. I crept into her room and woke my little sunshine up. Then I took her into my room and told her we were going to see her beautiful hair. As I started to take the curlers out, it became evident that her hair wasn't turning out like I thought. As a matter of fact it was crazy!! She had a Afro!!!! She looked so different. It was unbelievable!! Once I started laughing I couldn't stop!! At first she thought I was laughing because she was cute. After looking at herself she realized I was laughing because she looked ridiculous. She was so upset with me that she ran to her room slammed the door and berried her head into her pillow. It was a weird moment for me. I know it's not nice to laugh at anyone especially my sweet daughter! I just couldn't stop. I think partly because I really had no idea those little curlers could do that! Poor Kenzie!!!!

It didn't take long after I got my laughter under control to kiss & make up with my sweet girl. Then we tried to make the best of the really tight curls. As you can see she still looked ridiculous. But she thought she was cuter than ever and that's all that matters.

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