Monday, September 8, 2008

1st Days of School

Dylan started 8th grade this year! I can't believe it!! He is like 5'11" and not a baby anymore!! Next year he will be in High School!! Boy am I getting old!

Jake just started 5th grade! He is the BIG MAN on campus!! I was happy to see his teacher was Mrs. Greaser. Dylan had her and I thought she was great! She is the one who got Dylan into reading! I think she is already getting Jake to open up a book! Next year Jake will go to Middle School. Guess what that means for ME???? 4 Kids and 4 Different schools to drop them off at!! Gee.. I can't wait!

Brody started Kindergarten :( It is all day!! I hate it! I miss him so much! The other night I had a Silpada Party. I only saw him for a minute after school because of my show. Then I didn't get home until after he had already went to bed. The next morning when he woke up he hugged me real tight and began to cry. He said "I miss you"! My heart just melted! Nothing is worse than a sad little boy! On a lighter note his teachers name is Mrs. Nelson! This is a picture of her! One look at her and I knew I was going to be OKAY!! She seems really sweet! Thank Goodness!!!!

Well last but not least Miss Kenzie! She didn't start school but.. she had to have all the school supplies! Just like the boys!!! Pencils, a princess notebook, stickers and as you can see the princess lunch box!!(note to self "GO SHOPPING WITHOUT HER NEXT TIME")
And so that sums up the beginning of the 2008-2009 school year! 4 Happy kids, 1 sad mommy and a million dollars in school supplies later School has began!!


Melissa said...

Yeah for new pictures! You kids are just too cute! That is fun you guys went camping with the family! I miss being around family!

Marla Aguayo said...

Awwww Mendie, they are just growing up so fast. Of course Makenzie needs all the school stuff! She is getting ready for school!
Cherish the memories.Before you know it.... you'll have 7 grandkids :) Like me ... life will never be the same. Thanks for sharing the pictures!!!!!
Love you all!

Taylor and Stephanie Haught said...

Looks like you had a fun summer. And Kenzie...what a doll!! Thank heavens for little girls!